University brand, campus filming, and drone policies

The following are policies related to the University brand, filming on campus, and use of drones on University of Iowa property.


University Brand Policy

The brand policy of the University of Iowa guarantees the proper representation and implementation of our brand.

University Brand Policy

Campus Filming Policy

The University of Iowa campus filming policy requires explicit written permission for all video and photo shoots on university property done for commercial purposes. Vendors or non-university entities wishing to conduct filming activities on campus must fill out the Campus Filming Request form and provide a certificate of insurance for Workers' Compensation, automobile, and general liability. The required insurance limits may vary depending on the scope of the project. The certificate must specify the University of Iowa and the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, as named insureds.

Note: in addition to the campus filming policy, use of drones on campus for video and photography is subject to the university policy on Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS). All faculty, staff, students, volunteers, visitors and members of the public who launch or land a drone on campus or fly over campus must submit a Drone Flight Request Form

Drone Policy

Drones cannot be used over University Property to protect the University community, however; there are specific exceptions to this that support the University’s use of drones in education, research, and outreach. View the campus drone policy.

Public Statement Policy

The following are policies and guidelines related to public statements. 

Public statement

Public Statement Policy

The following guidelines are intended to assist university leaders as they consider whether to issue a public statement on behalf of the university, a college, or an academic or administrative unit. University leaders include the president, members of the president’s cabinet, the provost, the staff in the Office of the Provost, deans, dean of students, associate deans, department chairs, holders of director-level positions, and others who, if communicating in their official capacity, are likely to be perceived as speaking on behalf of the institution or one of its subunits.

These guidelines do NOT address statements made by individual members of the campus community on their own behalf. The University of Iowa fully supports academic freedom and the constitutional right of individual students, faculty, and staff to express their personal opinions regarding political and social issues or events occurring within or outside of the community. As a reminder, individuals must follow university policies regarding the use of the university name and resources, including email, websites, and social media accounts.

Definition of a public statement

A public statement is any form of communication by a university leader to students, faculty, staff, alumni, the press, the public, or other institutional stakeholders from a university-owned channel (email, website, social media feed, etc.) regarding a local, state, national, or international issue.

Public versus personal statements

Generally, statements made in the course of performing one’s job duties are “official” and attributed to the university. Such statements are usually characterized by:

  • The use of university resources (such as the email system).
  • Identification of the speaker as a university employee.
  • A clear connection between the subject matter of the statement and the speaker’s university role.

Statements of a purely personal nature are generally not “public statements” of the university. Depending on the nature of one’s university role, this distinction may not always be apparent, and university leaders should be clear about when they are speaking personally.

Even so, some university roles have such broad scope that it would be difficult to disclaim the university role at all. For example, the university president’s opinions on a host of issues are likely to be viewed as the university’s position, even if the president makes clear that they are only expressing their personal opinion.

University of Iowa guiding principles

Diversity of thought and background is the strength of a public university. University leaders should issue public statements sparingly to avoid limiting the free exchange of ideas necessary for education, research, and discovery. Reaching out with support and resources for members of the community most directly affected is often the best approach.

University leaders may consider issuing an institution-level or unit-level statement in the following circumstances:

  • The issue or event has a direct impact on the university’s ability to fulfill its mission of teaching, research, and service.

Examples: Legislation to limit tenure, restrict specific avenues of research, or impact academic freedom in the classroom.

  • The issue or event directly affects members of the university community specifically in their roles as students, faculty, or staff.

Examples: Changes to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program or F-1 academic student visa program.

  • The issue or event, whether local, national, regional, or international, has created a level of disruption on the University of Iowa campus that it is necessary for a university leader to reaffirm the university’s values.

Example: An incident or event that results in widespread protests on the university campus, requiring a university response.

Fundamental questions to consider

University leaders shall consider the following questions when determining whether to issue a public statement:

  • Will issuing a statement uphold or undermine the university’s commitment to academic freedom, open inquiry, vigorous debate, and free expression inside or outside of the classroom?
  • Will the university have a greater impact signing on to a broader statement with fellow members of the Big Ten Academic Alliance, AAU, APLU, or its fellow Regents institutions?
  • Does the statement contradict state, federal, or Board of Regents, State of Iowa policy?
  • Will issuing a statement limit another individual’s ability to exercise academic freedom or free expression?
  • Does the content of the statement affirm university values of community, inclusion, and integrity?
  • Will the campus be better served by pointing to or providing support services or special programming related to the issue or event?

Best practices

Public statements issued by the university, regardless of the sender, should adhere to the following best practices:

  • Statements should be timely and explain why the issue or event has direct implications for the mission or operations of the university, a college, or an academic or administrative unit.
  • Statements should be factual, based on current data or information, and free of speculation, claims or accusations.
  • When appropriate, the statement should provide substantive actions the university, a college, or an academic or administrative unit is taking, or will take, in response to the issue or event that precipitated the message.
  • Statements should be honest and open about the university’s strengths and weaknesses, commitment to change, and ability or limited ability to affect change.
  • When issuing a statement of support or solidarity, it should be sent from the college or academic or administrative unit most connected to the members of the university community affected.

Public statement content

A public statement should include some, if not all, of the following elements:

Policy considerations

University leaders should review the following Board of Regents and university rules as they consider whether to issue a public statement on behalf of the university, a college, or an academic or administrative unit.

Board of Regents policy

As a public university, the University of Iowa must follow the policies established by its governing body, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. Relevant sections of the Board Policy Manual include:

Chapter 3: Academic Policies and Procedures, 3.2 subsection E  

E. Regent universities shall not be or become an instrument of partisan political action. The expression of partisan political opinions and viewpoints shall be those of individuals, not of institutions, because the official adoption of any political position, whether favored by majority or minority, tends to substitute biased information that hinders the continuing search for truth.

Chapter 4: Regent Institutions, 4.2 subsection I

I. The University’s proper role is in supporting and encouraging freedom of inquiry by fostering opportunities for the expression of differing views regarding many issues in multiple areas of study, research, and debate, including current political, social, and public policy issues. The Universities shall not take action in such a way as to require or unduly pressure members of the campus community, in their personal capacities, to express or adopt a particular viewpoint on a political, social or public policy matter. The University may speak, as an institution, on political, social, or public policy matters when such matters are central to the mission or critical operations of the University as reasonably determined by the University. In all instances, University statements on political, social, or public policy matters must be consistent with any stated position of the Board of Regents.

Prohibited statements

Public statements must not violate the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) or HIPAA Privacy Rule and are expected to abide by university policies regarding privacy, professional ethics and responsibility, acceptable use of information technology, and political activity guidelines.

Therefore, public statements must not do any of the following:

  • Release private or confidential information, including, but not limited to, information related to the academic records, health status, or personnel records of individuals at the institution.
  • Promote, endorse, or oppose political campaigns or candidates for elected or appointed government office. Comments in support of or opposition to specific legislation should not be made without first consulting with the Office of Strategic Communication.
  • Include content that is threatening, harassing or discriminatory, including biased statements that target protected classes.
  • Defame or violate the rights of anyone.
  • Be issued on behalf of other individuals, entities, groups, or organizations.

Guidelines for colleges and other academic or administrative units

If the president or provost issues a public statement, colleges and other academic and administrative units (departments, centers, institutes, and programs) are encouraged to share that statement rather than issue their own. 

In the absence of a public statement by the president or provost, academic and administrative units should seek guidance and approval before issuing a public statement. Guidance should be sought from the respective unit head, dean, or vice president. Approval should come from a team of university leaders, which typically will include the president, the provost, the president of the Faculty Senate, and representatives from the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and the Office of Strategic Communication. All statements should adhere to Board of Regents policy and follow best practices. 

Any and all questions about issuing public statements should be directed to Peter Matthes, vice president for external relations and senior advisor to the president.

Email:    Phone: 319-383-8978


Bipartisan Policy Center: Campus Free Expression: A New Roadmap
University of Iowa: Statement on Free Speech
University of Chicago: Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression

Mass Communication Policy

The following are policies and guidelines related to mass communication.

Mass mail

Mass Communication Policy

The University of Iowa’s Mass Communication Policy will be administered by the Office of the Vice President for External Relations, which oversees Iowa’s central communications office, the Office of Strategic Communication.


Email is an important tool for academic, research, and administrative communication; however, it is not the only tool, nor is it always the best tool. The cumulative amount of time spent by faculty, staff, and students processing unwanted email represents an enormous loss of personal and institutional productivity. 

For email to remain a relevant means of communication, it must be strategic. Using email impersonally or indiscriminately will harm the credibility of the university and make our faculty, staff, and students less likely to read email that would be of importance or of interest to them. For this reason, the university must be both strategic and conservative when emailing these audiences. This policy will:

  • Establish guidelines for the appropriate use of mass email versus other communication tools.
  • Reduce the number of email messages sent to faculty, staff, and students.
  • Ensure compliance with federal law and the best practice expectations of faculty, staff, and students.
  • Ensure mass emails are accessible, concise, consistent, and coordinated.
  • Preserve the effectiveness of email as a communication tool, without unduly restricting the free flow of information within the university community.


This policy governs the use of officially administered mass email lists, whether the communication is sent through Mass Email, Dispatch, or another platform. The officially administered mass email lists are defined as those created from UI’s official databases of:

  • All faculty
  • All staff
  • All undergraduate students
  • All graduate students

Individuals or groups desiring access to these lists must receive appropriate approval to send a mass email regardless of the platform being used to send it.

The Office of Strategic Communication (OSC) will serve as the manager of the officially administered mass email lists in consultation with campus partners.

  • All faculty (OSC+Office of the Provost)
  • All staff (OSC+University Human Resources)
  • All undergraduate students (OSC+Division of Student Life)
  • All graduate students (OSC+Graduate College)

OSC will evaluate each mass email request to determine whether the request includes information that pertains to a majority of the recipients, is critical or time sensitive, and meets one or more of the following standards:

  • Alerts the campus community to situations about health and safety risks, as defined in the university’s crisis communications manual as a category 1 crisis.
  • Provides information essential to the operation or execution of business.
  • Notifies the campus community about changes in university governance, policy, and practice.
  • Notifies employees of benefits, payroll, tax, or other essential HR services related to their employment with the university.
  • Communicates important information from the president, provost, or other member of university senior leadership as defined in the mass email guidelines and procedures.

Mass emails are not a vehicle for:

  • Promoting events or attendance at lectures or events
    • A symposium hosted by a college or center on campus
    • An employee appreciation event
    • A recital or concert
  • Promoting enrollment in a college or department workshop or function, or seeking volunteers  
    • UI Marketing Institute
    • Youth ballet classes
    • Volunteer at the Iowa State Fair
  • Promoting a service
    • Campus Conversation Partners
    • The Writing Center
    • Recreational Services membership

Mass email requests must:

  • Include clear and concise information. Some requests may be edited for clarity.
  • Include a URL that links to a website where readers can get more information, and/or a name and contact information (phone number or email address) recipients can contact for more information. 

Examples of messages that are permitted without workflow approval under this policy include:

  • Hawk Alerts and Crime Alerts
  • Messages from the university president, provost, or other senior leader
  • Annual policy notifications
  • Annual employee health insurance reenrollment
  • Iowa Now emails
  • Emails seeking faculty, staff, and student participants in research studies
  • Emails seeking faculty and staff participation in employee surveys (e.g., Working at Iowa)

Senders of permitted email messages still must coordinate with OSC to schedule a time and day the message will be sent so that it does not overlap with other scheduled messages to that audience.

Not permitted
Examples of emails that are not permitted under the policy include:

  • Seeking enrollment in university-sponsored program, class, service, or other event
  • Notification or reminder of an upcoming event such as a health fair, career fair, or lecture
  • Seeking volunteers for On Iowa!, the State Fair, or other event
  • Calls to action, such as enroll in classes, register for a training

*Colleges and units that previously used mass email to solicit enrollment in university programs, events, and services should use more targeted communications to reach their specific audiences, and can consult their collegiate or unit communications team to develop a plan for how to do so without the use of mass email. Solutions will be required within one year of this policy’s enactment.

This policy does not govern subsets of the officially administered mass email lists. Examples of subsets include:

  • Faculty in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Parking permit holders in Lot 50
  • Employees who are eligible for the vacation payout program
  • Students who live in residence halls


With the exception of Hawk Alerts and Crime Alerts, all senders to officially administered email lists (all faculty, all staff, all students, all parents) must work with OSC to strategically determine the best day and time of day to send an email in relation to other communications being sent to the requested audience(s). This includes emails that fall under the permitted category listed above (e.g., research studies, policy notifications, leadership messages, benefits enrollment).

Mass email requests for distribution to officially administered mass email lists first will be routed OSC for approval in consultation with:

  • Undergraduate students: Vice president for student life (or their designee)
  • Graduate students: Dean of the Graduate College (or their designee)
  • Staff: Chief human resources officer (or their designee)
  • Faculty: Executive vice president and provost (or their designee)

The request will follow this workflow process based on the category of the message:

  • University Administration -> ITS begins workflow -> Supervisor -> OSC 
  • Student Government: USG -> ITS begins workflow -> OSC -> DSL
  • Student Government: GPSG -> ITS begins workflow -> OSC -> DSL
  • Student Organization -> ITS begins workflow -> OSC -> DSL
  • Departmental Information -> ITS begins workflow -> Supervisor -> OSC 

Research recruitment emails will follow this workflow process:

  • Researcher request -> ITS begins workflow -> IRB -> OVPR

Mass email requests must be submitted at least seven business days before the requested distribution date.

OSC will review all submitted mass email requests to ensure alignment with criteria listed above, communications best practices, and channel effectiveness. OSC also will evaluate message timing in relation to other communications being sent to the requested audience(s). If necessary, OSC may consult the audience officers listed above and/or the email requestor to determine if mass email is the appropriate channel and may work with the requestor to use other channels that would be more effective, such as:

  • Iowa Now emails
  • Events calendar
  • Targeted distribution list
  • Digital signage
  • Unit or department level channels, such as websites, list serves, newsletters, etc.
  • Social media

If approved, mass emails will be sent from the Dispatch platform to one or more of the officially administered mass email lists to ensure best practices in email promotion, marketing, and strategic communication, including tracking and analytics.